We have committed ourselves to adhering to the highest health and safety work fronts whilst manufacturing or project execution.

We daily assess risk at the workplace, at the site, occupational and environmental hazards and aim to minimize untoward mishaps

Our safe work training is held weekly just as a toolbox talk where we ensure to train and educate workmen on the importance of adhering to safe working culture and encourage each one of them to follow safety rules and laws religiously.

Our safety engineers train and educate them on the use of full-body harnesses, fall arresters, lifeline support, implementing the use of safe work platform while working on scaffolds or ladders, use of fire blanket during hot work, permits involved during cold work, fire extinguishing methods, etc.

We ensure to provide necessary safety equipment as a part of PPE (personal protective equipment) like safety shoes, safety goggles, hand gloves, reflector jackets, safety helmets, harnesses for height work to our workmen.


The Following are the safety procedures followed by us

Always wear safety helmet, Safety shoes and Protective gear (PPE)

Always wear Safety belts anchoring to the lifeline rope during height work

Proper tool shall be used and frequently checked for defects and it shall be replaced whenever required

Always work on Proper Working Platform and Safe ladder shall be used while working at height

Shall work in a safe and properly Lit Surrounding

Shall hold daily tool box Talk